Chapter 6 VICAL in GEE
This section shows how to use the VICAL scripts to implement them in GEE.
VICAL has three main files that can be imported into a GEE Script, these are:
// Image collections
var imp = require('users/InifapCenidRaspa/VICAL:Exportaciones');
// Vegetation indices
var imp2= require('users/InifapCenidRaspa/VICAL:VegetationIndex');
// visualization styles
var St= require('users/InifapCenidRaspa/VICAL:Style');
6.1 Image collection
Before importing the image collections, some variables must be declared that are useful for filtering this collection: i) a point or polygon; ii) date range, and iii) cloud threshold value in images. These declarations are shown in the following code:
var fecha = ['2021-01-01', '2022-03-18']; //Start and end date
//polygon or point
var table = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/calcium-verbena-328905/assets/Bate");
var p_nubes= 30;//percentage of clouds
6.1.1 Landsat
If you want to use cloud-free atmospherically corrected LandSat images (4, 5, 7, 8 and 9), you can use the following code. A function is created to join the image collections. To do this, use the imp file.
function ColeccionImagenSR(fecha, recorte, umbral)
{// image collections are imported using the "imp" file
var L9sr = imp.ColeccionLandsatSR(fecha, 'LC09', recorte, umbral);
var L8sr = imp.ColeccionLandsatSR(fecha, 'LC08', recorte, umbral);
var L7sr = imp.ColeccionLandsatSR(fecha, 'LE07', recorte, umbral);
var L5sr = imp.ColeccionLandsatSR(fecha, 'LT05', recorte, umbral);
var L4sr = imp.ColeccionLandsatSR(fecha, 'LT04', recorte, umbral);
//ETM and ETM+ data are spectral fit to OLI and OLI-2
var L7a =;
var L5a =;
var L4a =;
// Join collections
var serieT =L9sr.merge(L8sr).merge(L7a).merge(L5a).merge(L4a).sort('system:time_start');
return serieT;
}//The collection is imported using the previous function
var l8Sergio=ColeccionImagenSR(fecha, table, p_nubes);
//we can print the images using the print() function to see if the
//filtering of the image collection has been carried out (Figure 6.1)
print (l8Sergio);
With these image collections, time series of different vegetation indices can be calculated.
6.1.2 Sentinel-2
If you want to use cloud-free, atmospherically corrected Sentinel-2 images, you can use the following code.
//The collection of images is imported using the following code
var S2sr = imp.ColeccionImagenSentinelSR(fecha, table, p_nubes);
//we can print the images using the print() function to see if the
//filtering of the image collection has been carried out (Figure 6.2)
print (S2sr);
6.1.3 Landsat y Sentinel-2
If you want to use cloud-free, atmospherically corrected LandSat and Sentinel-2 images, you can use the following code, data were spectrally fit to Landsat 8 bands. The functions described in Section 6.1:
function ColeccionImagenAMBOS(fecha, recorte, umbral)
{//Function for Landsat images with spectral adjustment
var L8Conjunto=ColeccionImagenSR(fecha, recorte, umbral)
var S2sr = imp.ColeccionImagenSentinelSR(fecha, recorte, umbral);
//Spectral matching of sentinel-2 to Landsat
var S2a =;
var serieT = S2a.merge(L8Conjunto).sort('system:time_start');
return serieT;
//The collection is imported
var S2B = ColeccionImagenAMBOS(fecha, table, p_nubes);
//we can print the images using the print() function to see if the
//filtering of the image collection has been carried out (Figure 6.3)
print (S2sr);
To view an example script click here
6.2 Vegetation indices
To calculate some of the VIs of VICAL you have to use the file imp2; and these VIs are imported using the names of the ExpresionGEE column that are shown in the Table 6.1.
For example, to calculate NDVI with LandSat and Sentinel-2 images from section 6.1.3, the following code would be used:
//Normalized Difference Vegetation Index- NDVI
var ivs = ee.ImageCollection(;
//Print and view the NDVI band
print (ivs);
The following code shows an example to display on the map the NDVI of the first image of the collection and cropped for the area. The st file of ¨VICAL is used.
//NDVI from the first image in the collection
var iv = ivs.first();
//Color palette where 'st' file is used
var ivVis = {min :0, max : 1, palette : St.paletaIV};
Map.addLayer(iv.clip(table), ivVis,'NDVI'); //Indice
//the map is centered to the area
Map.centerObject(table, 13);
Figure 6.5 shows the NDVI map for the area of interest
To view the sample code click here
If you want to display the NDVI of a particular image, you must convert it to a list.
Number | Index | Abbreviation | ExpresionGEE | Coefficients |
1 | Atmospherically resistant vegetation index | ARVI* | ARVI | γ=1.0 |
2 | Adjusted transformed soil-adjusted vegetation index | ATSAVI* | ATSAVI | |
3 | Difference vegetation index | DVI | DVI | |
4 | Enhanced vegetation index | EVI | EVI | C1=6.0, C2= 7.5; L=1.0 |
5 | Enhanced vegetation index | EVI2* | EVI2 | C1=2.4 |
6 | Green normalized difference vegetation index | GNDVI | GNDVI | |
7 | Modified soil adjusted vegetation index | MSAVI2 | MSAVI2 | |
8 | Moisture stress index | MSI | MSI | |
9 | Modified triangular vegetation index | MTVI | MTVI | |
10 | Modified triangular vegetation index-2 | MTVI2 | MTVI2 | |
11 | Normalized difference tillage index (NDTI) | NDTI | NDTI | |
12 | Normalized difference vegetation index | NDVI | NDVI | |
13 | Normalized difference water index | NDWI | NDWI | |
14 | Optimized soil adjusted vegetation index | OSAVI* | OSAVI | X=0.16 |
15 | Renormalized difference vegetation index | RDVI | RDVI | |
16 | Redness index | RI | RI | |
17 | Ratio vegetation index | RVI | RVI | |
18 | Soil adjusted vegetation index | SAVI* | SAVI | L=0.5 |
19 | Triangular vegetation index | TVI | TVI | |
20 | Transformed soil adjusted vegetation index | TSAVI* | TSAVI | a= 1 ; b=0; |
21 | Visible atmospherically resistant index | VARI | VARI | |
22 | Vegetation index number or simple ratio | VIN | VIN | |
23 | Wide dynamic range vegetation index | WDRVI* | WDRVI | α=0.2 |
6.3 GithUb repository
VICAL codes are written in JavaScript and are freely available on GitHub ( (accessed on 16 June 2022))